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Button Block

This documentation will provide you with all the information regarding adding a button block to customization options. So, let’s get started.

Video Tutorial

Here’s a video tutorial to add WordPress Button to your website.

Step 1: Install PostX Plugin

Before getting started, you need to install and activate the PostX Plugin

Step 2: Add PostX Button Block

Now that you have installed and activated the PostX plugin, you can add the PostX Button Block to your WordPress page. 

Here’s how:

Adding Button Block
Adding Button Block
  1. Go to the page where you want to add the button.
  2. Click on “Add Block” or the “+” icon to add a new block.
  3. In the search bar, type “Button Group” and select the PostX Button Block.
  4. The PostX Button Block will be added to your page.

Step 3: Add Links in WordPress Buttons

Start by clicking on the button and selecting the text you want to add a link to. This action will display the default WordPress tooltip. In the tooltip, you will find the “Link” option represented by a hyperlink icon. Click on this option to open the URL box to input your desired link.

Adding Links to Buttons
Adding Links to Buttons

Within the URL box, enter the URL or web address to which you want the button to redirect when clicked. Ensure to include the full link, including the “http://” or “https://” prefix. Once you’ve entered the URL, confirm the link by pressing the “Enter” key or clicking outside the URL box. The link will now be associated with the button.

Step 4: Customize the Button Block

Customizing the button block allows you to personalize its appearance and behavior. Follow these steps to unleash the full potential of the PostX Button Block:

Selecting Button Settings

Click on the button you want to customize within the Button Block. This will activate the customization options for that specific button.

Button Settings
Button Settings


In the right sidebar, locate the “Style” section. Choose from a variety of pre-designed button styles to find the one that suits your website’s design.

Button Styles

Button Size

In the right sidebar, find the “Button Size” section. Select a predefined button size: Small, Medium, Large, or Extra Large.

Button Size
Button Size

Alternatively, choose “Custom” to define your own button size by adjusting the horizontal and vertical measurements.

Custom Button Size
Custom Button Size


In the right sidebar, locate the “Text” section. Customize the button text by adjusting the typography, color, and hover color.

Button Text Setting
Button Text Setting

Use the “Text Typography” option to modify font size, select fonts (including custom fonts), font weight, letter spacing, and more.

Button Text Typography Control
Button Text Typography Control

Adjust the “Text Color” and “Text Hover Color” to achieve the desired text appearance and effects.


In the right sidebar, find the “Background” section.

Button Background Settings

Set the button margin to control its horizontal and vertical placement.

Button Margin Control
Button Margin Control

Choose a solid color or create a gradient background for the button.

Button Color Setting
Button Color Setting

Adjust the border style, width, and color.

Button Border Setting
Button Border Setting

Customize the border-radius to determine the roundness of the button’s corners.

Button Border Radius Adjustment
Button Border Radius Adjustment

Optionally, apply a box shadow with customizable offset, blur, spread, and color settings.

Button Border Shadow Control
Button Border Shadow Control

Here’s how the hover effect looks:

Color Selection and Hover Effect


In the right sidebar, locate the “Icon” section. Enable the icon toggle bar to incorporate an icon into your button. You can select an icon from the vast library available.

Button Icon Settings
Button Icon Settings

Choose whether the icon should appear before or after the button text.

Adjust the icon size and the space between the icon and the text.

Icon Size and Space Control
Icon Size and Space Control

Modify the icon color and hover color to match your design scheme.

Button Icon Color Control
Button Icon Color Control

Selecting Button Group Settings

To customize the entire button group, click on the “Select Button Group” icon in the default WordPress Tooltip.

Button Group Selection
Button Group Selection

Button Gap

Adjust the button gap to control the spacing between multiple buttons in the group.

Button Gap Management
Button Gap Management

Alignment Adjustments

Align the buttons horizontally or vertically within the group using the alignment options. This will help to fine-tune the margin of the entire button group for precise placement.

Horizontal and Vertical Adjustment
Horizontal and Vertical Adjustment

Easily toggle for vertical button placement.

Vertical Alignment Toggler
Vertical Alignment Toggler

Button Animation

Apply button animations to create dynamic user experiences. Choose from available animation styles and adjust the animation position using the Button Transformation slider.

Button Animation

Publish or Update

Take a moment to review your customizations for the button block. Make any additional adjustments as needed. Click the “Update” button to save your changes if you are editing an existing page. If you are creating a new page, click the “Publish” button to make the changes live on your WordPress website.

Congratulations! You have successfully customized the PostX Button Block, allowing you to create visually appealing and interactive buttons that enhance the user experience on your website.

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